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Healthy hair is only a mask away

DIY hair masks for all climates

Given the climate, we all run into hair issues from time to time whether it’s damage, dryness, flakes or fading. While you can’t change the weather, you surely can fix your hair. We’ve compiled the most excellent DIY hair masks for all of your hair burdens, from an irritated scalp to gloomy hair, to harm and dryness.

Honey, egg, & apple cider

An incredibly hydrating treatment leaving your hair nourished For those with Dry hair, attempt this honey, egg and apple cider vinegar DIY hair mask. Combine 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg, and 1 tablespoon of ACV and leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes before rinsing.

Coconut oil, sugar, & essential oil

This exfoliating treatment helps remove and reduce flakes Combine 2 tablespoons of raw, unrefined coconut oil, 4 teaspoons of raw sugar, 5 drops of peppermint oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to the hair and gently massage for 1-3 minutes

Green tea and apple cider

It helps soothe and hydrate a dry scalp For those with an itchy scalp, mix 1 cup of green tea, 2 drops of peppermint oil, and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Massage into scalp and let sit for at least five minutes before rinsing.

Egg white & lemon

If you are prone to greasy hair, an egg mask can work wonders. It helps remove excess oil Mix 1 egg white, the juice from half a lemon. Smooth over hair from roots to ends and leave on for 30 minutes to an hour — longer is better. Rinse with lukewarm water

Cinnamon & coconut oil

It helps restore & revitalise brittle and dull hair. Also, it makes them grow much faster Mix equal parts cinnamon and coconut oil. Apply the mask onto your roots and part, and massage it into your scalp. Let it sit for 30 to 45 minutes and rinse. Aim to do this mask at least once a week.

Avocado, egg, & olive oil

It helps to rejuvenate and moisturise the scalp Mix half an avocado, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of honey. This mask shields your hair and acts as a natural conditioner. Apply the mask on hair for 20 minutes and wash out in the shower.


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